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Shrine of Vicoforte

An outstanding example of the Baroque style typical of Piedmont, this building boasts the largest elliptical dome in the world.

“Incredible” is the guided experience that takes visitors up 60 meters, to the top of the Vicoforte Sanctuary, through the ancient passages once reserved for artisans.

From the top, there is a breathtaking view from a height of 75 meters.

The Langhe and Roero

A visit to Piedmont cannot fail to explore the Langhe and Roero, with their priceless jewels: rolling hills on the horizon, picturesque villages steeped in history and culture, breathtaking views, impressive wineries and unparalleled food and wine offerings.

Names such as Barolo, Alba, Monforte, Neive, La Morra, Grinzane Cavour and Cherasco will remain etched in your memories, giving you an unforgettable experience of pure beauty and wonder.


Mondovì is a city that stretches between mountains, hills and plains, representing one of the fascinating “seven sisters” within the province of Cuneo.

There are numerous attractions to explore in this location: fascinating churches, historic squares, and museums dedicated to ceramics and the art of printing.

By means of the funicular, it is possible to reach the upper part of the city, where the ancient Piazza Maggiore with its characteristic Soprani and Sottani arcades is located.

From here, you can reach the Belvedere, dominated by its historic tower, and enjoy panoramic views of the entire Piedmont Alps.

Crava-Morozzo Reserve

For those who harbor a passion for unspoiled nature, a stop at the Crava-Morozzo Oasis is essential.

A vast 300-hectare forest area is home to more than 150 varieties of birds that roam freely among ponds, hiking trails, streams and majestic old-growth trees.

This small haven of tranquility offers an experience of peace and well-being that is priceless.

Bossea Caves

In the Corsaglia Valley you will have the opportunity to enter and admire the famous Bossea Caves, considered among the most majestic and fascinating speleological destinations in Italy.

In 2011 they were officially recognized as a Nature Reserve.

With a total length of about 3 kilometers, these caves are home to a panorama of stalactites, stalagmites and natural sculptures. Inside the caves is a Carsological Laboratory dedicated to the study of the physical, chemical and biological phenomena that come to life in this underground environment.

Winery Tours

Casa Calleri provides the perfect starting point for exploring the region’s fascinating wineries and delighting in Piedmont’s renowned wines.

The renowned Barolo, Barbaresco, and Nebbiolo wineries, as well as the historic wine shops of La Morra, join modern and new spaces in the Langhe wine scene.

We are ready to advise you on the ideal itinerary according to your preferences and needs.

Tour of the Giant Benches

A fascinating route by car, Vespa or e-bike through the Langhe to admire the iconic giant benches, an original idea by American designer Chris Bangle.

This project is designed to invite people to rediscover their childhood sense of wonder, inviting them to look at the vast landscape of the Langhe with new eyes.

With as many as 194 giant benches scattered along the route, this Tour offers a surprising and fascinating experience for every visitor.

Trekking and Iteneraries

The Langhe is crisscrossed by an extensive network of nature trails that wind through forests, plains, vineyards, hills and picturesque villages.

One of the most accessible trails is the “Landande trail,” which starts in Briaglia and passes through places such as Vicoforte, Niella Tanaro, San Michele Mondovì, Mondovì, and Monasterolo Casotto in a 22-kilometer-long route.

We are available to advise you on the ideal route according to your preferences and needs.

Mountain and Skiing

Even during the winter months, there are unmissable experiences in store for snow lovers.

Casa Calleri is located a short distance from the renowned Piedmont ski resorts of Prato Nevoso and Artesina, offering the opportunity to enjoy skiing, participate in snow activities, and enjoy relaxing moments at the many restaurants and lodges in the area.

Spa of Lurisia

Those who wish to unwind and enjoy a moment of relaxation can devote a day to Lurisia Spa.

Here, you can experience the beneficial thermal waters, which boast radioactive, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and purifying properties.

In addition to this, the spa offers personalized programs, treatments and massages.

Not to be outdone, there is a specially equipped area for the little ones.

An opportunity to indulge in total well-being and pure pleasure.
